What if fasting isn’t the only way to draw near to God?
In this episode, we’re exploring the idea of feasting instead of fasting—not as a replacement, but as another way to focus our hearts. While fasting creates space, feasting fills that space with what nourishes our souls.
Using Philippians 4:8 as our guide, we’ll look at simple, meaningful ways to feast on God’s Word, feast on gratitude, and feast on rest.
In This Episode, We’ll Explore:
🍽 What it means to feast spiritually and why it matters
📖 Feasting on God’s Word instead of just fasting from distractions
💛 Feasting on gratitude instead of fasting from grumbling
😌 Feasting on rest instead of fasting from busyness
✍️ Simple practices to help you engage with Scripture and shift your focus toward God
📖 Want to Go Deeper?
I’ve put together this month’s Scripture Cultivations, which includes:
✅ A collection of hand-picked scriptures on feasting
✅ A devotional guide to Feasting on Philippians 4:8
✅ Additional resources for gratitude journaling, Lectio Divina, and soul rest
You can find all the resources and the transcripts here:
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